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Hi guys! It’s Abi and I’m back with my last blog post! Doing these have been surprisingly fun just as I hope that reading them has been enjoyable for you! I wanted to talk a little about the difference between watching something at home and watching something in a group setting. I’ll also mention the cheering atmosphere. The viewing experience from home and a theater is very different. Your presence is more intense if you do not watch it at home. If the screen is larger the impact is bigger. When more people are cheering, you are more likely to get more into it than if you are home alone cheering by yourself. The cheering atmosphere has been proven to have made the audience have a better enjoyment factor (Kim, K., Cheong, Y., & Kim, H. 2016). For instance, I went to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2. I did this because of the atmosphere, I wanted to be surrounded by fans who loved Harry Potter as much as me and the excitement right b

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